◕ Roberta outfit:
Casual, trendy outfit for woman with crumpled jeans with belt and sweater with wide neckline, available in 9 separate colors or the respective fat packs as always very convenient (to have all colors in a box)
Roberta outfit is for Mesh avatars (Maitreya_Belleza Isis,Venus,Freya_Slink Physique,Hourglass_TMP)
Demo available!
◕ Natasha Coat
Leather mesh coat is perfect for winter time, this outerwear is longer than jackets and saves warm of your body much longer: every color has a hud to change the collar and sleeves fur in 8 colors:
Natasha coat come in 8 different colors sold separately or the Fat Pack (to have all colors in 1 box)! For classic avatars and Mesh (Maitreya_Belleza Isis,Venus,Freya_Slink Physique,Hourglass_TMP-
Ocacin_Ebody_Tonic curvy,Fine)
Demo available!