Thursday 29 September 2022

New Ladies Release at Resun Fashion Store

Kleo Outfit
Elegant and refined outfit with short dress with lace top and fur and leather jacket
The outfit comes in 11 amazing colors purchasable separately and the respective Fat pack for jackets,short dress or the complete Fat pack to mix all colors to your taste!

Jackets:compatible with mesh avatar( Maitreya, Maitreya petite,Bellezza Freya,Slink_ Hourglass,Legacymeshobody,legacy Perky,ebody Reborn,Kupa Kups,Kupra Original,
Kupra Bimbo,Tonic Fine_Curvy,Ebody Curvy

Short dress and pantie:compatible with mesh avatars( Maitreya,Maitreya Petite,legacy,legacy Perky,Perky Petite,ebody Reborn,Kupa Kups,Kupra Original,
Kupra Bimbo)

Complete Outfit:compatible with mesh avatars( Maitreya,Maitreya Petite,legacy,legacy Perky,ebody Reborn,Kupa Kups,Kupra Original,Kupra Bimbo)